

This section of the Pirltawardli Research Website collects essays or papers with background information around the wider story of the encounter between the Aboriginal peoples in South Australia around the 1850s and the German Lutheran missionaries.  Papers written by other authors as named in the essay header have been published here with their permission.

Looking into a Mirror  »

Aboriginal people in Kaurna Country and Missionary Teichelmann 1838-1840
By Gerhard Ruediger (© 2014)  |  Download original file: pdf, 202kb

'Ask the right question, then look everywhere'  »

Finding and interpreting the old Aboriginal place-names around Adelaide and Fleurieu Peninsula
By Chester Schultz (© 2011)

For reference:

Gerhard Rüdiger. Essays, in: Pirltawardli Research Website, Adelaide 2024.
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