
23.11.2023 ~ Chester Schultz -- Feet on the Fleurieu

Launch of a new history of Aboriginal and European encounter
"Feet on the Fleurieu, Language on the Land -- Volume 1 (by Chester Schultz, 2023; Cover image: Rod Boucher., ©2023)
Cover image:
Rod Boucher., ©2023

It was a long time in the making, the new history of the Fleurieu Peninsula and the earliest encounters between the local Aboriginal people and colonists. 

The full title is even more ambitious:

Aboriginal women and men, their communities,
and Kangaroo Islanders:  the story of the earliest guides,
explorers and interpreters around Fleurieu Peninsula (South Australia). 
BOOK 1:  Fleurieu Story, March 1802 – January 1837

This book, in total of 528 pages, is not only the result of an intimate knowledge of the country, Chester writes about;  he also presents deep insights on its people, both past -- the various Aboriginal language communities and the various groups of whitefellas drifting into their country at the time of first contact -- and today, and the manyfold changes that both communities had to endure.

The book was launched on Saturday, 25 November 2023, fittingly at The Garden of Healing (in the local Kaurna Language:  "Purruti-apinthi Mai-yarta") near at the Port Adelaide Uniting Church, that Chester and his family attend, and thus in the heart of Kaurna Country.

It is available as print-on-demand for AU$ 65 plus freight 
Post order:  MediaCom Education Inc., P.O. Box 610, Unley, SA 5061
or via Website:  <>

Telephone +61 (0)8 8371 1399 
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Or you can download a copy for FREE in pdf format (27 Mb) free from our website:
<Schultz, Chester_2023_Feet on the Fleurieu-FINAL3.pdf>
If this link should be broken, you may find copies also on the following servers:

ISBN:  eBook 978-0-6458599-0-4       Paperback 978-0-6458599-1-1   

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License. To view a copy of this license, visit <> or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.  This licence allows for the copying, distribution, display and performance of this work for non-commercial purposes providing the work is clearly attributed to the copyright holder.  

Published: 23.11.2023, 22:33 | Last edited: 28.05.2024, 02:23 | 2442 ]

28.02.2016 ~ Barngarla look for Schurmann's school site

"A PROJECT is underway to discover a site of historical importance to the Barngarla Aboriginal people in Port Lincoln.

The Lower Eyre Peninsula’s Kallinyalla Parnkalla Land Sea Aboriginal Corporation is working in joint partnership with the Prescribed Body Corporate Barngarla Native Title Holders Aboriginal Corporation of Eyre Peninsula to find a site relating to missionary Clamor Wilhelm Schurmann.

Schurmann lived around the Port Lincoln area in the early to mid 1840s and was seen as one of the few people who tried to deal kindly with the region’s Barngala people.

The team believes they have found the site on private property near North Shields where Schurmann's cottage was, as well as a school where he taught Barngala children and documented their language. The site was also a safe place for Barngarla adults to camp and receive rations.

The organisations are working with archaeology experts from Flinders University, the University of Queensland and Wallis Heritage Consulting. ..."

This article is related to the visit of the site by a group of Barngarla people, the current team of archaeologist, University of Adelaide researchers, and descendants of Clamor Schürmann, on 3 November 2015 (see article below).

External Website: Fairfax - Port Lincoln Times ]  
Published: 28.02.2016, 19:36 | Last edited: 05.05.2016, 10:36 | 1669 ]

22.02.2016 ~ Republished: "Warraparna Kaurna!"

Reclaiming an Australian language (by Rob Amery, 2016)
"Warraparna Kaurna!" Reclaiming an Australian language (by Rob Amery, 2016)
Book Cover image
by Kaurna Elder
Katrina Karlapina Power
(© 2016 )

Edited to conform with the Revised Spelling of the Kaurna Language since 2010 and with an additional chapter to include the developments of the language reclamation and revival since the early 2000s, the University of Adelaide linguist and Kaurna Language specialist Rob Amery has republished his PhD from 1999/2000.  Amery is also the convener of Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi (KWP), the driver of the language program between University and Community. In his book he presents the most comprehensive account of this remarkable story.  

The publication is available from University of Adelaide Press in print and as pdf for free download.


Phone: (08) 8313 1721
Website: University of Adelaide Press

External Website: University of Adelaide Press ]  
Published: 22.02.2016, 22:49 | Last edited: 16.03.2016, 00:50 | 1599 ]

03.11.2015 ~ Visit of former Schurmann residence at Port Lincoln

Links to German linguist hold key to reviving an Aboriginal language
Visit of former Schurmann residence at Port Lincoln

... Earlier this month, Associate Professor Heather Burke and Adjunct Professor Lynley Wallis of Flinders University visited the Eyre Peninsula to begin an archaeological study of Schurmann's home in Port Lincoln [more info here].

"We really want to understand what his life was like in Port Lincoln from the material evidence that he left behind — the things he used, or ate from, or built his house from," Dr Burke said.

The researchers were joined by descendants of Schurmann, members of the Parnkalla [Barngarla] community, members of the local Lutheran community and local historians on their first investigations at the site.

They are now planning a geophysical survey at the site as a precursor to excavating the home to find out what lies beneath.

"It will tell us a different story, because he and his wife were quite poor," Dr Burke said. ...

External Website: ABC West Coast SA  ]  
Published: 03.11.2015, 20:20 | Last edited: 16.03.2016, 00:51 | 1642 ]

For reference:

Gerhard Rüdiger. News, in: Pirltawardli Research Website, Adelaide 2025.
Direct URL: <>. Viewed 19.01.2025.