A tree re-grows
Across my bus stop, on the busy Lower North East Road, Campbelltown, just outside the Italian Aged Care Centre, a tree seems to be re-growing. Two years ago, or so, the Council planted trees along the curbs all over the suburb, and so they did here. I pass this place quite often to catch the bus into the city centre, and one day I saw that the young tree had been broken, the trunk still sticking at the roots in the ground. Some weeks later, it was only the trunk that remained on the side walk, and a small stump in the ground.
The other day, in the middle of the Australian summer, I saw that small branches were trying to spring to life and I was wondering whether they would survive. But even during the heat wave of the past few weeks over the summer holidays, they continue growing.
So I ponder if, and how, this little tree will survive — and what it is telling me!?
Wednesday, 25. January 2012, 15:38,
Last update
25.01.2012, 15:47.
Theme: Australia, City Life, MetroBus, Nature.
Tags: Adelaide, City, Nature, Traffic, Tree
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