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Category "Sermons preached"

Sermons preached & Meditations (Listing)

This section of my Blog provides an  overview listing of some of the sermons preached in the past, and meditations, organised by Bible text. All sermons were written for a specific context.

Fellow lay preachers, feel free to use the ideas.  The attached pdf file contains the complete service draft.  I am grateful to my proof reader for language corrections — errors and typos are mine. [Read more »]

Sermon ~ “Come!”

Matthew 14:22-33
Uniting Church of Australia,
Mount Barker SA

13 August 2017


Lake Galilee, looking towards Bashan, Israel. Coloured litho.

I was a young lad, when it all happened. Nobody took much notice of me, but I was around and could hear and see. My uncles and older brothers were fishermen, and they often took me along as a helper.

Amongst these strong men, I did not need much space in the fishing boat, so skinny was I then. I lived with my family near the lake; we called it כנרת ים, Jam Kinneret, or Lake Galilee. It is a remarkable lake, full of fish, good water, almost like a paradise with nice beaches, and when you look at it from the mountains, it seems to be endless. [Read more »]

Sermon ~ “freely you have received, freely give”

Matthew 9:35-10:8, (9-23)
Geranium Uniting Church SA
18 June 2017


When I first visited Australia — in 1992 — I was impressed by your hospitality. This is still true today: A barbecue at the house of my sister in law:  whenever I drop in there, sometimes unannounced and with visitors to show them true-blue Aussie life, there’ll be a cup of tea and, if possible, something to eat. For me, coming from crowded Germany where many people live in small apartments, a meal in the backyard is just something special. Even more so as it offers the opportunity to sit and talk and get to know each other.

There is something fascinating having people visiting you, even strangers from other places: All of a sudden, the world is coming to you, and you can sit on your porch and learn something new. It is like an unexpected gift that the visitors leave behind. [Read more »]

Meditation ~ Der Tag, den der Herr gemacht hat

Psalm 118,24
EKD Prädikantenkurs 2017

Dies ist der Tag, den der Herr macht — lasst uns freuen und fröhlich an ihm sein. (Luther-Übersetzung).

Danket, danket dem Herrn, denn er ist freundliche und seine Güte währet ewiglich.  [Read more »]

Andacht ~ “Ich werde ihr Gott sein …”

Ex 20,1-17 / Dtn 5,6–21
EKD Prädikantenkurs 2017

Sandsteintafeln Zehn Gebote

Sandsteintafeln Zehn Gebote


In Stein gemeisselt — fast für die Ewigkeit, nicht zu übersehen, nie zu vergessen — so brachte Mose den Dekalog Gottes mit ihm vom Berg in die Ebene.  Menschen auf der Flucht, aus dem übermächtigen Ägypten in das Niemandsland der Wüsten des Sinai. [Read more »]

Sermon ~ Waiting … or “I have a Dream”

Matthew 11:2-11
Geranium Uniting Church SA
11 December 2016

Our Bible text this morning is the well-known story about John the Baptist in prison, as recounted by Matthew the Evangelist:

When he heard what the Messiah was doing,
he sent word to Jesus by his disciples and asked him,
Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” (Mt 11,2-3) [Read more »]

Sermon ~ Trust not power, but compassion

Luke 7, 11-17
Geranium Uniting Church SA
5 June 2016

Out of the blue I received a call from the worship service coordinator for the tiny Mallee town Uniting Church.  Would I be able to preach rather sooner than later, as I she found my name on a list of UCA relief preachers willing to preach in remote communities.  For me, this was a most fascinating occasion:  For the first time I had the opportunity to meet Australian Christians outside of a major city like Adelaide.  And I was invited to spend the night with a local farming family, thus learning more about their way of life.

A typical characteristics of the place was the railway crossing:  It warns you of oncoming trains, and if don’t stop you may be fined by the police.  Only:  As in so many other places around Australia, no train will ever come again — the rail link was closed down sometime last year.  People are talking about a bike track!  It sounds funny — but seems to be a rather sad occurrence of the loss of social and economic infrastructure in remote Australia and by that the looming  breakdown of the communities.

This was the context for the sermon — and I was very grateful for the opportunity. [Read more »]

Sermon ~ Pentecost: The Spirit of Truth

John 13,36 and 14,1-19
Glengowrie Uniting Church
15 May 2016 (Pentecost Sunday)

Sermon at Pentecost about Jesus’ promise of the coming of the Paraclete.


Sermon ~ The Spirit gives …

1 Corinthian 12,1-11
Glengowrie Uniting Church
17 January 2016
(was cancelled last minute)

This morning, I would like to preach about our Epistle reading, Paul’s First Letter to the church in Corinth: The Spirit gives to each person what he wants!


Lenten Devotions 2016

Joshua 19 & Judges 9
St Stephens Lutheran Church Adelaide
January 2016

Since about ten years or so, the local Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) congregation, whose service we attend here in Adelaide, St Stephen’s Lutheran Church (Website), publishes for its church members an annual Lenten devotion booklet.  An initiative by local church members, these booklets collect brief meditations and prayers by church members on one chapter or two of a selected book of the Bible.

While written mainly by lay people and a few “professional” Lutheran theologians, this series is a fascinating collection of truly Australian Christian theology in a Lutheran tradition.

For 2016, the Lenten Devotions cover the three historical books Joshua, Judges and Ruth under the title “THE LORD SEEKING FAITHFULNESS”. I had been asked to reflect on Joshua 19 and Judges 9 (both KJV21) , and for all of us writers these historical accounts in the Bible were quite challenging.
